getmempoolancestors (0.16.0 RPC) blockchain getbestblockhash getblock getblockchaininfo getblockcount getblockhash getblockheader getchaintips getchaintxstats getdifficulty getmempoolancestors getmempooldescendants getmempoolentry getmempoolinfo getrawmempool gettxout gettxoutproof gettxoutsetinfo preciousblock pruneblockchain savemempool verifychain verifytxoutproof control getmemoryinfo help logging stop uptime generating generate generatetoaddress mining getblocktemplate getmininginfo getnetworkhashps prioritisetransaction submitblock network addnode clearbanned disconnectnode getaddednodeinfo getconnectioncount getnettotals getnetworkinfo getpeerinfo listbanned ping setban setnetworkactive rawtransactions combinerawtransaction createrawtransaction decoderawtransaction decodescript fundrawtransaction getrawtransaction sendrawtransaction signrawtransaction util createmultisig estimatefee estimatesmartfee signmessagewithprivkey validateaddress verifymessage wallet abandontransaction abortrescan addmultisigaddress backupwallet bumpfee dumpprivkey dumpwallet encryptwallet getaccount getaccountaddress getaddressesbyaccount getbalance getnewaddress getrawchangeaddress getreceivedbyaccount getreceivedbyaddress gettransaction getunconfirmedbalance getwalletinfo importaddress importmulti importprivkey importprunedfunds importpubkey importwallet keypoolrefill listaccounts listaddressgroupings listlockunspent listreceivedbyaccount listreceivedbyaddress listsinceblock listtransactions listunspent listwallets lockunspent move removeprunedfunds rescanblockchain sendfrom sendmany sendtoaddress setaccount settxfee signmessage walletlock walletpassphrase walletpassphrasechange getmempoolancestors txid (verbose) If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool ancestors. Arguments: 1. "txid" (string, required) The transaction id (must be in mempool) 2. verbose (boolean, optional, default=false) True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids Result (for verbose=false): [ (json array of strings) "transactionid" (string) The transaction id of an in-mempool ancestor transaction ,... ] Result (for verbose=true): { (json object) "transactionid" : { (json object) "size" : n, (numeric) virtual transaction size as defined in BIP 141. This is different from actual serialized size for witness transactions as witness data is discounted. "fee" : n, (numeric) transaction fee in BTC "modifiedfee" : n, (numeric) transaction fee with fee deltas used for mining priority "time" : n, (numeric) local time transaction entered pool in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT "height" : n, (numeric) block height when transaction entered pool "descendantcount" : n, (numeric) number of in-mempool descendant transactions (including this one) "descendantsize" : n, (numeric) virtual transaction size of in-mempool descendants (including this one) "descendantfees" : n, (numeric) modified fees (see above) of in-mempool descendants (including this one) "ancestorcount" : n, (numeric) number of in-mempool ancestor transactions (including this one) "ancestorsize" : n, (numeric) virtual transaction size of in-mempool ancestors (including this one) "ancestorfees" : n, (numeric) modified fees (see above) of in-mempool ancestors (including this one) "wtxid" : hash, (string) hash of serialized transaction, including witness data "depends" : [ (array) unconfirmed transactions used as inputs for this transaction "transactionid", (string) parent transaction id ... ] }, ... } Examples: > bitcoin-cli getmempoolancestors "mytxid" > curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getmempoolancestors", "params": ["mytxid"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'