scanblocks "action" ( [scanobjects,...] start_height stop_height "filtertype" options )
Return relevant blockhashes for given descriptors (requires blockfilterindex).
This call may take several minutes. Make sure to use no RPC timeout (bitcoin-cli -rpcclienttimeout=0)
1. action (string, required) The action to execute
"start" for starting a scan
"abort" for aborting the current scan (returns true when abort was successful)
"status" for progress report (in %) of the current scan
2. scanobjects (json array, optional) Array of scan objects. Required for "start" action
Every scan object is either a string descriptor or an object:
"descriptor", (string) An output descriptor
{ (json object) An object with output descriptor and metadata
"desc": "str", (string, required) An output descriptor
"range": n or [n,n], (numeric or array, optional, default=1000) The range of HD chain indexes to explore (either end or [begin,end])
3. start_height (numeric, optional, default=0) Height to start to scan from
4. stop_height (numeric, optional, default=chain tip) Height to stop to scan
5. filtertype (string, optional, default="basic") The type name of the filter
6. options (json object, optional)
"filter_false_positives": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Filter false positives (slower and may fail on pruned nodes). Otherwise they may occur at a rate of 1/M
Result (when action=='status' and no scan is in progress - possibly already completed):
null (json null)
Result (When action=='start'; only returns after scan completes):
{ (json object)
"from_height" : n, (numeric) The height we started the scan from
"to_height" : n, (numeric) The height we ended the scan at
"relevant_blocks" : [ (json array) Blocks that may have matched a scanobject.
"hex", (string) A relevant blockhash
"completed" : true|false (boolean) true if the scan process was not aborted
Result (when action=='status' and a scan is currently in progress):
{ (json object)
"progress" : n, (numeric) Approximate percent complete
"current_height" : n (numeric) Height of the block currently being scanned
Result (when action=='abort'):
true|false (boolean) True if scan will be aborted (not necessarily before this RPC returns), or false if there is no scan to abort
> bitcoin-cli scanblocks start '["addr(bcrt1q4u4nsgk6ug0sqz7r3rj9tykjxrsl0yy4d0wwte)"]' 300000
> bitcoin-cli scanblocks start '["addr(bcrt1q4u4nsgk6ug0sqz7r3rj9tykjxrsl0yy4d0wwte)"]' 100 150 basic
> bitcoin-cli scanblocks status
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "scanblocks", "params": ["start", ["addr(bcrt1q4u4nsgk6ug0sqz7r3rj9tykjxrsl0yy4d0wwte)"], 300000]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "scanblocks", "params": ["start", ["addr(bcrt1q4u4nsgk6ug0sqz7r3rj9tykjxrsl0yy4d0wwte)"], 100, 150, "basic"]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "scanblocks", "params": ["status"]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'