submitpackage (28.0.0 RPC) blockchain dumptxoutset getbestblockhash getblock getblockchaininfo getblockcount getblockfilter getblockfrompeer getblockhash getblockheader getblockstats getchainstates getchaintips getchaintxstats getdeploymentinfo getdifficulty getmempoolancestors getmempooldescendants getmempoolentry getmempoolinfo getrawmempool gettxout gettxoutproof gettxoutsetinfo gettxspendingprevout importmempool loadtxoutset preciousblock pruneblockchain savemempool scanblocks scantxoutset verifychain verifytxoutproof control getmemoryinfo getrpcinfo help logging stop uptime mining getblocktemplate getmininginfo getnetworkhashps getprioritisedtransactions prioritisetransaction submitblock submitheader network addnode clearbanned disconnectnode getaddednodeinfo getaddrmaninfo getconnectioncount getnettotals getnetworkinfo getnodeaddresses getpeerinfo listbanned ping setban setnetworkactive rawtransactions analyzepsbt combinepsbt combinerawtransaction converttopsbt createpsbt createrawtransaction decodepsbt decoderawtransaction decodescript descriptorprocesspsbt finalizepsbt fundrawtransaction getrawtransaction joinpsbts sendrawtransaction signrawtransactionwithkey submitpackage testmempoolaccept utxoupdatepsbt signer enumeratesigners util createmultisig deriveaddresses estimatesmartfee getdescriptorinfo getindexinfo signmessagewithprivkey validateaddress verifymessage wallet abandontransaction abortrescan addmultisigaddress backupwallet bumpfee createwallet createwalletdescriptor dumpprivkey dumpwallet encryptwallet getaddressesbylabel getaddressinfo getbalance getbalances gethdkeys getnewaddress getrawchangeaddress getreceivedbyaddress getreceivedbylabel gettransaction getunconfirmedbalance getwalletinfo importaddress importdescriptors importmulti importprivkey importprunedfunds importpubkey importwallet keypoolrefill listaddressgroupings listdescriptors listlabels listlockunspent listreceivedbyaddress listreceivedbylabel listsinceblock listtransactions listunspent listwalletdir listwallets loadwallet lockunspent migratewallet newkeypool psbtbumpfee removeprunedfunds rescanblockchain restorewallet send sendall sendmany sendtoaddress sethdseed setlabel settxfee setwalletflag signmessage signrawtransactionwithwallet simulaterawtransaction unloadwallet upgradewallet walletcreatefundedpsbt walletdisplayaddress walletlock walletpassphrase walletpassphrasechange walletprocesspsbt zmq getzmqnotifications submitpackage ["rawtx",...] ( maxfeerate maxburnamount ) Submit a package of raw transactions (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node. The package will be validated according to consensus and mempool policy rules. If any transaction passes, it will be accepted to mempool. This RPC is experimental and the interface may be unstable. Refer to doc/policy/ for documentation on package policies. Warning: successful submission does not mean the transactions will propagate throughout the network. Arguments: 1. package (json array, required) An array of raw transactions. The package must solely consist of a child and its parents. None of the parents may depend on each other. The package must be topologically sorted, with the child being the last element in the array. [ "rawtx", (string) ... ] 2. maxfeerate (numeric or string, optional, default="0.10") Reject transactions whose fee rate is higher than the specified value, expressed in BTC/kvB. Fee rates larger than 1BTC/kvB are rejected. Set to 0 to accept any fee rate. 3. maxburnamount (numeric or string, optional, default="0.00") Reject transactions with provably unspendable outputs (e.g. 'datacarrier' outputs that use the OP_RETURN opcode) greater than the specified value, expressed in BTC. If burning funds through unspendable outputs is desired, increase this value. This check is based on heuristics and does not guarantee spendability of outputs. Result: { (json object) "package_msg" : "str", (string) The transaction package result message. "success" indicates all transactions were accepted into or are already in the mempool. "tx-results" : { (json object) transaction results keyed by wtxid "wtxid" : { (json object) transaction wtxid "txid" : "hex", (string) The transaction hash in hex "other-wtxid" : "hex", (string, optional) The wtxid of a different transaction with the same txid but different witness found in the mempool. This means the submitted transaction was ignored. "vsize" : n, (numeric, optional) Sigops-adjusted virtual transaction size. "fees" : { (json object, optional) Transaction fees "base" : n, (numeric) transaction fee in BTC "effective-feerate" : n, (numeric, optional) if the transaction was not already in the mempool, the effective feerate in BTC per KvB. For example, the package feerate and/or feerate with modified fees from prioritisetransaction. "effective-includes" : [ (json array, optional) if effective-feerate is provided, the wtxids of the transactions whose fees and vsizes are included in effective-feerate. "hex", (string) transaction wtxid in hex ... ] }, "error" : "str" (string, optional) The transaction error string, if it was rejected by the mempool }, ... }, "replaced-transactions" : [ (json array, optional) List of txids of replaced transactions "hex", (string) The transaction id ... ] } Examples: > curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "submitpackage", "params": [["rawtx1", "rawtx2"]]}' -H 'content-type: application/json' > bitcoin-cli submitpackage '["rawtx1", "rawtx2"]'